9. October 2008
16.00 – 17.00
8. - 18. October 2008

Animals’ Heaven

connects the artistic practices of Isabelle Krieg and Marianne Engel is the
frequent use of natural imagery in their work. Krieg’s installations,
interventions, and actions speak of intimacy which appears to intrude upon nature,
merging the laws of nature and culture, fantasy and reality. The photographer Engel
views the natural world from a scientific, yet culturally cluttered
perspective. Her images capture a mood that is normally hidden from us,
offering a transitory glimpse into another reality. Their collaborative work, Animals’ Heaven, touches upon a very serious subject matter, the
unequal relationship between humans and animals. This “heaven” is situated in a
black car, its inhabitants are dead animals (animal preparations) which often
get run over by cars, and many people see them more often dead than alive...

Organized by: City of Women; With the support of: Pro Helvetia, The Swiss Embassy
in Ljubljana


More instances

16.00 – 17.00
08 - 18/10/2008
Artists and collaborators
Isabelle Krieg and Marianne Engel