5. oktober 2015
18.00 – 18.10

Uporabi svoja usta (Jepi me gojë)

V projektu Uporabi svoja usta skupina Haveit predstavlja umetniški aktivizem, s katerim se silovito upira zatiranju žensk, ki prevladuje v albanski družbi, LGBT diskriminaciji, redukcijam elektrike in vode, nacionalizmu. Ena osnovnih tem njihovega umetniškega ustvarjanja je protest proti patriarhalnemu jarmu, v katerega so vpeta njihova vsakdanja življenja, in opozarjanje na stereotipe o spolu in prevlado moških v družbi. Poskušajo tudi prikazati boj z vsakodnevnimi težavami, s katerimi se sooča malodane vsak prebivalec Kosova, in tako opozoriti na nepravičnost v najmlajši državi na Balkanu. Umetniška praksa skupine Haveit vključuje javne in gledališke performanse, intervencije, video in fotografske performanse. Projekt Uporabi svoja usta vključuje performans v živo Uporabi svoja usta, videa Preiskava in Brez vode, fontane vsepovsod; video performans Mehanika klasike; foto performansa Valentinovo in Obešanje zavese. (Haveit)

Ponedeljek, 5. oktober, 20.00 / Galerija Škuc
Uporabi svoja usta (Jepi me gojë)

Performans, 2014 / 10'

Preiskava (Examination)
Video, 2’ 09’’ / 2013

Brez vode, fontane vsepovsod (No water, Fountains Everywhere)
Video, 2013 / 2’ 49’’

Mehanika klasike
Video performans, 2013 / 6’ 46’’

Valentinovo (Valentine’s Day)
Foto performans / 2014

Obešanje zavese (Hanging on the Curtain)
Foto performans / 2014

Organizacija: Mesto žensk; V sodelovanju: Galerija Škuc.

Vstop prost. 


Use your mouth (Jepi me gojë)

Performance, video, video performace, photo performance

In the project Use your mouth the Haveit group present their artistic engagement that vehemently rebels against the oppression of women prevalent in Albanian society, LGBT discrimination, power and water shortages, as well as nationalism. One of the guiding themes of their art is protest against the patriarchal yoke of their daily lives, which highlights the gender stereotypes and male supremacy of the society. They also try to illustrate their struggle with the day-to-day difficulties confronted by nearly every Kosovar and so to draw more attention to injustice in the youngest country in the Balkans. Haveit has reflected their artistic practice through public and theatre performances, street interventions, video and photo performances. The project Use Your Mouth contains: live performance Use Your Mouth, video of performances Examination and No Water, Fountains Everywhere; the video performance Mechanic of Classic; and the photo performances Valentine’s Day andHanging on a Curtain. (Haveit)